14 July 2009

Review: Lime Spareribs

I'm just now getting around to posting my second dish for Whip It Up. Enjoy!

The recipe is found here.
  1. Was the recipe easy to follow? Why yes, yes it was.
  2. Did the dish taste good? We both really enjoyed our spareribs. However, I would say they weren't quite as good when we had them as leftovers.
  3. Would you make it again? If I had spareribs on hand again, then yes. I don't usually buy them, but they came with my food co-op, so I wanted to use them.
Overall, it was a great dish, and it was really easy to make.

Nobody recommended this dish, so I can't put any names into any drawings for it. But I am going to (hopefully) get around to a pie that my brother recommended. Be prepared.

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