09 February 2010

Local Loony

The weirdest thing ever happened to me last night. I had just dropped off my carpool buddy who lives in the center of studentville in Provo. I was about half-way through getting out of the neighborhood, when I came upon a man standing in the road wearing only a pair of shorts. I slowed down so that I wouldn't hit him. I wasn't sure if he needed some help or what, but when I approached, he looked kind of scary, so I began to go around him. He jumped out in front of me. I stopped my car, again thinking maybe he needed help, but he didn't approach my window or anything. So I began to back up, but due to where I was in the road and the sheer quantity of cars parked on the street (hello, Central Provo!), I couldn't really turn around. Plus, I was kind of scared, and I wanted to keep this guy in my sight. So, I called the police. As I did so, he began doing jumping jacks.

Some young people came out of their dwellings with video cameras, but it was clear they weren't making a movie or anything. They just wanted to catch the spectacle. I stayed on the phone with the operator and told her what was going on. Apparently, she had dispatched two police officers, but both of them were on the opposite side of town. The students, meanwhile, tried to engage the man in conversation, but I'm not sure how successful they were because I was on the phone. A few cars came up behind me, and seeing that there was a situation, tried to go around. He jumped in front of them, so they backed up and went the opposite way. One car came up, and when he jumped in front of it, the drivers kept going (albeit very slowly)! They literally drove into him, and once the bumper hit him, he jumped out of the way and waved them on.

By the time the police arrived (about eight minutes from when I called), he had gone somewhere else, and the police were following him.

It was totally weird. And I'm really grateful that my first ever all to 911 was for something as benign as a crazy, balding, scantily clad man blocking traffic in central Provo.


Amanda and Eric said...

Hahah, that is so strange and awkward! Glad nothing bad happened :)

Packrat said...

Kinda creepy. Also, what was with the person that ran into the guy?? Glad nothing bad happened.

Aaron + Kayti said...

yikes - that sounds like quite an adventure! leave it to provo to make new york city look normal.

Ana said...

Extremely bizarre - but I believe I have something that tops even THAT!

One time my best friend and I were at the movies. We both went to the toilet afterwards and all the stalls were in use except for the large one (for people in wheelchairs or otherwise incapacitated) at the end of the row - the door was a little ajar. We approached the door hesitantly and gently pushed at the door in case it were broken and the occupant unable to close it. It WAS in fact occupied, by a STRANGE woman who rather than screaming hysterically whilst trying to cover herself and shove the door closed, instead sat there looking at us and laughed. Just laughed. Crazy laughing. We backed away slowly. I think neither of us needed to go after that.

John said...

Funny thing happened when I was in Provo yesterday. As you know, it’s been very cold up here and when I arrived in Provo I was quite warm. Luckily, I brought my swim trunks and was headed over to a friend’s apartment pool to take a quick dip. As I crossed the street I nearly got hit by a car. The crazy thing is, the driver looked just like my sister but with much shorter hair. No matter which way I went, she would try to hit me. I tried waving my arms to get her attention, no luck. Then I began clapping my hands, thinking maybe she fell asleep with her eyes open. Eventually all kinds of students came out with video cameras. Certainly they were trying to get good you-tube footage of this loony driver. Other students even came out to get her attention as there quite a traffic jam developing. Eventually, when I thought it was safe enough, I left. I’m not sure what she was thinking but there sure are some crazy drivers in Provo.

Unknown said...

i hope your car doors were locked!

Jenn said...

Sounds like one of my patients on any given day...