01 March 2013

Dream Job

Janssen wrote a really interesting post, which got some really great comments, about dream jobs. It got me thinking.

I happen to really love my job. There was a time when I couldn't say that, and there are always going to be certain things about any job that you don't really like, but right now the job I have (professional genealogist) is my dream job.

For a while I thought about going to nursing school. I really thought it would be awesome to be a labor and delivery nurse, or maybe even a midwife. I still thought this would be a cool job after birthing Ike, but after Felix's delivery I realized I don't actually want to be a nurse at all. It turns out I have no interest whatsoever in dealing with gross stuff, even if a baby does come out of the mess.

As part of my job sometimes I get to do media interviews, and I really enjoy that. Sometimes my interviews are very "how-to" based. I like those, but the ones I like better are the ones where I get to share with the media person about their family history. It's so fun to present information to them that they never knew. It takes a lot of behind-the-scenes work to get to a story worth sharing. That part is challenging, but it's also fun. I think the really fun part, though, is getting to share the information and tell the story on camera.

So, maybe that's my real dream job. Getting to be a host of a genealogy show. Any producers out there who want to take me up on that?

Either that, or I want to replace Diane Rehm when she retires. This is a dream job, after all.


Packrat said...

I think you do have a dream job. :) I would love to be a "professional" genealogist. I'm approaching retirement age (as if that will happen!), so wouldn't want to do it full time. I would even like to go to school to learn more, but I don't want the hassles of commuting to a large town to attend classes, specific class times, term papers, and official grades. Been there, done that. Also, living in a small town in the middle of nowhere limits access to records that aren't available online. But I can dream!

Jana said...

I'm embarrassingly proud of myself that thanks to my recent conversion to NPR, I now know who Diane Rehm is :).

Karen K said...

You have MY dream job! (Of course, I say that without knowing exactly what all it entails). Is Who Do You Think You Are ever coming back on? We loved watching that show!