06 January 2018

Felicia: Six Months

New Year's Day was Felicia's half-birthday.

A few things about Felicia this month:
  • We started sharing our food with her at meal times, and she thinks that is awesome. Now that she knows what is going on at the kitchen table, she is very eager to join in.
  • She holds on tight when you hold her. I call her my little koala.
  • Felicia still cannot roll off her belly, and she gets angry about that.
  • Everyone comments on her big eyes. They either say she looks surprised or observant. (I have noticed that people who tend to be more negative will say she looks concerned or worried. Generally positive people will describe her in more positive ways, such as the aforementioned adjectives.)
  • Because of her wide open eyes, I call her my little bush baby.
  • We bought her nothing for Christmas. She thought that was just fine.
  • I love wearing her in the Ergo.
She is getting to be such a fun age, with the ability to interact, really use her hands, and start to move around a little bit. I know these next few months will bring so many more changes, but I just want time to stand still so I can still cuddle Felicia to sleep every day.

 Also, she loves her toes.

1 comment:

Jenny Evans said...

I love the "bush baby" name. So cute!