31 March 2016

Trixie: Seven Months

Oh my goodness, I just loves this chubby baby so much. This month Trixie has become more giggly and smiley. She is starting to eat more solid foods, but her favorite thing is still nursing, which she does a million times a day (give or take), and is lately wanting to do twice per night. (I'm a tired mama.)

Physically, she is getting a little closer to sitting up on her own, but she is still pretty floppy. She has gotten from her back to her belly a few times in the last few weeks also. But mostly she's cool to just lie on her back and hang out. She's a content little-ish baby.

Trixie loves her big brothers. If they are around she is usually really happy because she just loves watching them so much. They, of course, also adore her, especially Ike. Felix thinks she's nice too, but Ike is simply crazy about her.

This month I took Trixie with me to the Family History Library for the first time, and she did okay. She's also been coming to church with us now that she is done with her RSV shots and has her flu shot. Everyone tells me that they are in love with her chubby cheeks. I love those cheeks too, and I love those people for noticing that she has the best cheeks in the world. No hyperbole there. Best cheeks in the world. Also best lips, which I have probably mentioned before.

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