06 December 2012

Ike: Two Years

Ike is two! (Cue ominous terrible twos music.) He is such a fun little kid, and I love that he is in my family.

In the last month his vocabulary and pronunciation have absolutely exploded. So many words that used to sound like complete gibberish actually sound like the real words now. I especially love when he says any word that starts with "h" because he really drags out that breathy letter, and it makes me laugh.

Ike loves books. He can sit and look at books for upwards of half an hour - totally unattended. Of course, he likes to be read to as well, but he doesn't need a grownup on hand to enjoy a big stack of books. Books with animals are his especial favorites.

This little guy is obsessed with animals.He can make all sorts of animal sounds, and he loves to show them off. He can also name a wide variety of animals. He loves to watch animal videos on YouTube. (Not funny cat videos, but episodes of "Nature" and that sort of thing. Eric has trained him properly.)

Ike loves modes of transportation - cars, trucks, airplanes, helicopters, tractors, bikes, skateboards - you name it. He loves to point them out to us and shout the name of the object over and over until we acknowledge him.

He also loves the moon, the sun and the stars. I think his favorite color is yellow. (Usually when given a choice between different objects and one of them is yellow, he will choose the yellow one.) He loves milk and would drink only milk and eat almost nothing if I allowed him to.

He no longer sucks on his binkies because I cut the nipples off them. He still carries them around with him and takes them to bed with him. It's odd, but at least they are no longer going in his mouth, and that's what matters to me.

I'm so excited to see what this next year will bring with our little boy. Two years ago I never could have fathomed how much fun he would be.

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